Welcome to The HQ

This page is dedicated to Our Teams Creative Side.

Here We Inspire, Educate, and Explore through Our Personal Creatives.

This could be through Art, Photography, Films, and Writings.

We hope You enjoy what We have to offer!

  • Drawing and Paintings

    All of Our Drawings and Paintings are all Human Made. Hand Crafted with The Most Passion and Care that can possibly be achieved. In a World of Automation We want to be the Authenticity.
  • Photography and Cinematography

    All of Our Films and Photos are Made with the purpose to get You thinking or to inspire You. We execute this by Telling Stories and Hiding Themes that most might just pass over. While also talking about topics that are typically brushed over in Our Modern Society.
  • Speeches and Writings

    Each writing We make goes through a process that takes about 1 Full Month to Complete. This is to insure the Most Accurate depiction of the Source Material We are using. While making sure We do not Plagiarize anything, but to also make it as interesting as possible for You to read or listen to.

The Mindful Warrior

When one is transversing through life there will arise challenges that only A Warrior could face, and sometimes there are some only the Mindful can Counter.

Make sure to separate Your Mind, from Your Warrior as you travel along your path. This will always allow You to Not Be Finite at any point along Your Journey. As You are both A Warrior, and An Intellectual whom is on their way to becoming The Omega.

The Physical and Spiritual Warrior

When one is Strong Both Physically, and Spiritually.

They Can Move Mountains.

Create Miracles, and Touch The Hearts of Everyone Around Them.

In a world where a Weak Spirit is Average, Be The Exception.

Most Recent Youtube Video

Youtube Channel Can Be Found @TheNatomOfficial

The Fallen Angel

The Fallen Angel is a Story about how Lucifer became what we know him as today. This Image is a reminder to us that

"Even the most beautiful of us may fall no matter how close they may be to The Creator,"

and why we must stay living in the light of them instead of Falling to The Darkness.

It Also Serves The Purpose To Remind You That The Devil Will Always Try To Appear & Interrupt Your Path When Least Expected.

He Will Always Try Tempting.

A Battle of The Main Conscience and The Sub-Conscience.

This Short Film is about the parallels between The Living Conscience and The Sub-Conscience. Here the main focus is a battle between the two about if said person that holds these consciences has the strength to continue. What comes from it is a dark and dreary conversation between the two that breaks the main perspective of what they can, and cannot do.

The Omega

This design is made to remind us that The Angels are on your side ready to fight with you. As life gets tough we sometimes stray away from them because we don't realize the strength and power they have to help us. This depiction is meant to show us That Strength as well as Elegance of these Wondrous Beings.

Most Popular Youtube Video

Below Is Our Most Viewed Video. Our Youtube Channel Is @TheNatomOfficial. As We Post More Content This Will Change So Check Back Regularly To See Whats Going On With The Youtube Content.

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